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School Uniform
The children wear our school uniform colours, which are grey and bottle green.
We do not insist on children wearing branded school uniform. Items can be purchased from other outlets. We also have a large selection of second hand uniform available from our PTA. Pickhurst logo iron on badges can be purchased from the school office if you wish to attach a logo to a non branded item.
Grey skirt, pinafore or tailored trousers
White polo shirt with school logo or plain
White/grey/green socks or tights
Green sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
Sensible black shoes (See notes below)
Wellington Boots
Summer Uniform
Green and white check dress
Black shoes or closed toed sandals (Summer)
Trainers are not part of the school uniform
Grey tailored trousers or shorts
White polo shirt with school logo or plain
Grey/white socks
Green sweatshirt with school logo
Sensible black shoes (See notes below)
Water Bottle – Children need to have a school water bottle which they must bring to school each day. Water bottles are available from the School Office. Replacement caps are also available from the School Office.
PE Kit
Black shorts. White t-shirt with school logo
PE bag for kit with school logo
Trainers – plain trainers – black/white – Velcro fastening unless your child can tie their own shoelaces. No plimsolls.
Grey, green or black tracksuit bottoms
Grey, green or black tracksuit top or school jumper
All children will need a Pickhurst Infant School book bag. (No backpacks as there is not space to store them)
All uniform can be purchased from our on-line supplier - Price and Buckland. Please note that our on-line uniform supplier does not supply white PE shorts so these should be purchased separately.
We encourage children to care for and take responsibility for their own belongings. All articles of clothing must be named and checked regularly to see that names are still visible (Wellington boots particularly). We would be grateful if you would provide your child with a handkerchief or tissue daily. Please make sure that coats have a loop to hang them on the coat peg. Without this they fall on the floor.
Lost Property : There is a basket outside the school office where items of lost property
may be found. Please ask for help if you are unable to find it!
Sensible black shoes means the following:
- Shoes that children can take off and put on independently. For very young children Velcro fastenings are the easiest to manage until they can tie laces or manage straps.
- Heels are not safe for running around and playing in so school shoes must be flat.
- Black shoes or closed toe sandals are a part of our uniform so other colours are not acceptable. Open toed shoes can cause accidents and are not part of the uniform. Toes may be trodden on or stubbed against playground equipment.
- Trainers are not acceptable footwear for school but need to be provided for outdoor PE.
Children may not wear jewellery including watches. Girls and boys may not wear earrings to school for safety reasons. This is to prevent injury and follows advice from the British Association of Advisors and Lecturers in PE. (See chapter 9 of the British Association of Advisors and Lecturers in PE, Safe Practice in PE and School Sport). (See Appendix 1)
It is advisable for children to have ears pierced at the beginning of the summer holidays so that the time needed to wear them in school is minimised. A six week period only is acceptable for wearing earrings following ear piercing to allow for healing to take place. During this time parents are expected to cover the ear lobes with tape to reduce the likelihood of injury.
Long hair must be tied back for safety reasons and to enable children to participate in a range of learning activities, particularly in PE. Elaborate hair accessories are not to be worn for safety reasons.
Cultural Race and Religious Requirements
Whilst we expect children to adhere to our school uniform policy, we are sensitive to the needs of different culture, races and religions. If parents feel that any aspect of the school uniform is not acceptable in relation to their culture, race or faith, then they should make an appointment to discuss this with the Headteacher.
Outdoor Clothing
We do not include outdoor clothing in our uniform policy. However, we actively encourage parents and children to walk to school. It is advisable therefore that children wear reflective bands or badges to increase safety.
Children should always bring a coat or jacket to school unless the weather is hot. Even in warm weather there may be showers and the children will need a light shower-proof coat for protection. In very cold weather please ensure that named gloves and hats are worn to school.
Safety in the Sun
We advise parents to apply sunscreen to their child before coming to school. They may bring named sunscreen to apply at lunchtime which must be stored in a named plastic bag Please teach your child how to apply this independently.
Children should bring a named sun hat that provides shade for the neck and face. This means that sunglasses are not allowed, unless there is a medical reason in which case a parent will need to present formal medical evidence.